Have You Heard About the Second Coming?


Man Hee Lee, the promised pastor in Revelation himself testified how the Revelation fulfilled in Shincheonji Bible seminar, which is named ‘Open Bible Seminar on the Second Coming and Harvest’. Across South Korea, he visited 6 cities within a month, to tell the truth about the second coming and harvest promised in Revelation. (If you missed the seminar, you can always rewatch)


‘Testified’! Say, then, is the Second Coming really happening in our generation? When and where will that happen? Shouldn’t all believers who are waiting for Jesus’ second coming know about this? Of course, we should! Revelation tells us when, how, and where to meet Jesus and his promised nation.

Some say there will be ‘rapture’ in Jesus’ second coming. Did you know ‘rapture’ isn’t a thing in the Bible? ‘Rapture’, the word itself, never appeared in the Bible. “What if people in the Bible call that differently?” Then, what about the Lord’s Prayer that we recite every Sunday? It says ‘Your kingdom come’ (Matthew 6:10), not ‘up we go’. What’s more, in Revelation, John says the new Jerusalem ‘comes down out of the heaven’, not ‘we go up to the heaven’ (Revelation 21:2).

Some say there will be terrible wars – something like World War III – when Jesus comes back. I guess people love the idea of destroying the planet they are living in. It hurts my heart when I think Tour Eiffel will be nothing but a junk of metal if it’s true. Thank God, it’s not! There will be no ‘literal’ wars and weapons in Revelation. Do you think God will love destroying his creation without a good reason? If people should kill each other when Jesus comes back, will Jesus love the fact? Think about it. Remember, God loves people and wants all of them to be saved (Timothy1 2:4).

There had been too many lies about the Revelation because the book was about ‘doom’ and ‘the end of the world’ and also sealed with 7 seals (Rev. 5). Because of these seals, although the book is readable, no one could understand it until it unsealed. Guess what, it unsealed and Revelation is being fulfilled in our generation!

Since the worth of God’s word is unmeasurable, Zion Academy, the academy that teaches the Bible, provides the knowledge of the Bible for free, including the fulfillment of Revelation. What’s more, you can now learn it in #OnlineBibleStudy. If you’re curious about the second coming in Revelation, submit this application to learn more!

One thought on “Have You Heard About the Second Coming?

  1. Good article. These are some of Chairman Lee’s words that spoke to my heart:-

    “I stand here to make known to you the fulfillment of Revelation in God’s 6000-year work. God, who left this world, made a plan to return, and His plan will be complete when the book of Revelation is fulfilled. This is the creation of God’s promised new kingdom and new people.”

    “We must believe in the Bible, not in the words of men. We must believe in and verify the word of God for ourselves. One must check whether one is truly saved and whether there is a place one must go to find salvation.”


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